Friday, May 15, 2015

Foods on Friday

Today's assignment: Write a post documenting what you eat in a day!  Feel free to add links to recommended recipes/shops/whatever.  Make it an ideal day or a come-as-you-are day – no judgments either way.  

(Nothing written on this blog is intended to give medical advice or suggestions but is only our own personal account.  If you have medical questions, please consult your doctor.)

You really want to know?  This is not going to be an ideal day, I warn you in advance.  I try to fill my home with fresh made food, with food as close to nature as possible and as unprocessed as possible. One of William's favorite dishes is a cauliflower casserole.  Perhaps you should see a less perfect side of us. Today, I'm going to talk about two foods we don't eat often, but just coincided with today. (Really!)

One of the first things you hear on diagnosis is that the patient can eat anything anyone else can eat if they just bolus for it, which is both true and utterly simplistic.  This ignores that some foods will have you questioning your child in StuffMart, "Are you high again?" risking a report to CPS.  All carbohydrates are not created equal.  One of those foods that can be challenging is breakfast cereal.  

William would like to eat breakfast cereal often but it results in a very sudden, very steep rise in blood glucose.  This morning, he had slightly over a serving of Chocolate Cheerios with 1 cup of 2% milk.  He will only eat cereal if his BG is on the lower side.  It was 87 this morning.  He pre-bolused at 9:24 a.m., waited about 10 minutes and started eating.  I headed to the barn to feed our horses. Normally, as soon as I see the rise start, we add a temporary basal insulin rate of 50% for 1/2 hour to an hour, but I missed it.  I texted him and he put it on at this point, about forty minutes after eating.

BG 142 and double arrows up (quickly rising)

The temporary basal helps him with keeping the peak lower and he topped out at 180.  By three hours later and lunch time, he was down to 125, not too bad.  This seems to work for us.

For lunch, he made himself two "hockey pucks" (chicken patties) with spaghetti sauce and melted cheese on top, no buns.  For a side, he roasted broccoli with melted cheese. 

He is going to practice golf today and go to Tae Kwon Do practice, exercise affording the ability to hand a little more of a carb load for dinner.  Tonight will be pizza and a movie, a much anticipated treat for all parties.  Pizza has a bad reputation in the diabetes world.  Loaded with carbs and fat, it can be difficult to manage.  

For us, we've found that the two most popular delivery pizzas do not mix well with diabetes.  Sugar in the large crusts and high fat content make BGs hard to manage even by using the pump to extend the bolus, or deliver the insulin over a long period of time. Papa Murphy's pizza, however, doesn't seem to have the same effect.  We get loads of vegetables (and yes, pepperoni) on it, and pre-bolus. The insulin is set up to deliver 60% right away and 40% over the following two hours.  Though it may also require another correction to keep him out of the dreaded 200s (which is like getting caught in the doldrums), he can eat, at least at home, what seems to have become the national food of teenagers. 

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