Friday, January 12, 2007


Did you know this week is de-lurking week? January 8-12

I'm sure most lurkers are just very busy, and though knowing how to comment, are often called at that moment of wanting to comment to wipe Johnny's, uh , nose, or maybe the dog is trying to eat the ham off the counter that you were going to fix for dinner. And, then you get sidetracked and forget to leave a comment and are unintentional lurkers.

For some readers, though I'm sure they're few, they not only don't know how to make a comment, but they also don't know what "lurking" means. It means reading in the shadows, being there unseen. So, who are you out there? I know from my stats you are reading!


Genuine Lustre said...

Hi Cathy!

Karen said...

Hi Cathy,

I'm a lurker, left over from HSB. I enjoy your sense of humor.


Mary said...

My own nose is dripping and I've had a super-caretaker week. I've barely had time to sign on and scan...and haven't posted much to my own blog after wondering what had happened to you when you and your family were sick and re-grouping...I promise to comment more now that this past week is in the past.

camflock said...

Your sign "If you don't comment the terrorist win" peaked my interest. I could go off on a political tangent, but am more curious....are you calling yourself a terrorist? This would cause a great increase in blog readership yet maybe not the readers you were hoping to get.

I second Karen's comment, I enjoy your sense of humor too!--Christine

Anonymous said...

Love that...can't think of word...button? saying? about the terrorists. LOL.
I'm delurking a little late, although I think I've commented before. My main problem is that my connection is often so slow that it times out and then my comment isn't saved, and by that point I'm so frustrated that I give up. Also I don't read blogs every day, so I tend to read several posts at once.
Thanks for your comments on my blog too.


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