Sunday, August 27, 2006

Getting Back Into the Saddle

I've been gone from my blog a long time. It will be difficult to get back into the habit of daily writing, though blogs are starting to write in my head again. When I become overly stressed or overly schedule or in pain, all of which have occurred recently, the part of my brain that writes shuts off. It has been at work again lately, and I've had to make a list of blogs I'm going to write so that they (the blogs) would quit hammering at the inside of my skull, begging to escape to the computer screen. It may take me awhile to catch up with this month's events.

We left for Holden Beach, North Carolina on August 11, driving 7 hours the first day and 5 the next. Our very first stop was in Mt. Airy, North Carolina, the town renowed for being the model of Mayberry of the Andy Griffith Show. I, at least, was excited to see what the historic part of town looked like. We resolved to drive into town, seven miles from the hotel, to eat at "Goober's", which boasts some show memorabilia.

It was a doomed experience. Our three car wagon train (our car, my MIL/FIL's car, and my sister's car) snaked around, trying to find Goober's. We had bad directions from the hotel. Finally, we gave up and ate at a buffet style steak house which left much to be desired but did fill our bellies with what passed as food. We now refer to getting lost as "going on a Goober trip".

Next: Our first night at the beach watching sea turtles hatch.

In the car with wild and crazy girls
Photo by William, Age 4

1 comment:

pita-woman said...

I'd say he has a future as a budding photographer.


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