Monday, September 01, 2008

My Town Monday

Teaching Little Leaguers "Good Game".
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camflock said...

I am so glad the children's sports teams stress this simple concept of sharing "good game." It was a joy to see lots of good sportsmanship in the Olympics. Yet, didn't one guy lose his bronze for tossing it? I guess his little league coach did not teach him the basics.

Lyzzydee said...

A couple of years ago we visited New York and on a Saturday we took a ferry to Statten island and then got a cab to a shopping mall, along the way there were loads of little kids all togged up and playing their 'sport'!! Very American

Travis Erwin said...

Nice shot. You captured the spirit of it very well.

debra said...

Welcome to MTM, Junosmom. Thanks for a sweet photo and an important message.

Barrie said...

Welcome, Junosmom! My kids are heavily into sports. I love the whole team-spirit thing.

pita-woman said...

Wow, I was so focused on how much taller (head & shoulders) the middle kid in the pic was over all the others, I totally missed what the coach was teaching them. Guess I was having flashbacks to my own youth, as I was the one always so much taller than the other kids. ;)

Unknown said...

I thought they were in line for departure...


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