Wednesday, September 24, 2008

They Say It's My Birthday

Dh asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I replied I'd like him to make me 29 years old again. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and said he could make me feel like I'm twenty nine again. I guess it is a sign of how really old I am that I wondered if I'd regret it in the morning.

Seriously, it was a real wake up call to find myself one day discussing knee and join pain with my sister-in-laws. I've always been one of those "I'm going to be strong, I'm not going to let age get to me" kind of people. And there I was discussing joint replacement surgery. I'm not a vain type of person. All I ask is that I'm mobile and reach to cut my own toenails. Is that too much to ask?

Anyway, Happy Birthday to Me. And many blessing to the woman who did all the hard work and experienced the pain that resulted in me.

Follow Up on You'll Get Yours:
After revealing the contents of yesterday's blog, one daughter responded that she would just call me when there was a cleanup in Aisle 3. Oh, no, I replied. No way, no how, no vomit. On second thought, she continued, she'd marry a man who could clean it up. I forget how very young and naive she can still be.


debra said...

Happy birthday to you :-)

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday!

Thanks for stopping over at my blog. I've never attended a LLL meeting, but I've nursed all 6 kids, and had serious difficulties nursing 2 of them (bad start - inadequate milk). I've spent many hours praying to Our Lady of La Leche for her intercession - prayers which were granted, thank the Lord.

Enjoy your day. Hope you don't get stopped by the trains!

camflock said...

Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday to YOU...................
Happy birthday to you.

pita-woman said...

Ditto, ditto, ditto! "Happy Birthday & Many Moooorrrre!!"

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, dear cousin!

Did you get my card?

Have a blessed day!

Love, Robin

Gregory Anderson said...

Happy Birthday!

Be sure and take advantage of your new Luby's discount.


Kristina said...

Happy Birthday! And, while she may find a husband willing to clean it up (mine is), she has to make sure he's there to do so. That's a much harder feat to manage.

whitetr6 said...

and now, they say, it's mine!!

Hope you had a good one - I intend to :-)


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